By integrating our expert understanding of biodiversity, ecosystems, socio-ecological systems and economics, we address the status, use and strategic management of biodiversity and natural capital, to the benefit of society as a whole.
Salmon culture Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment for culture of King and Coho salmon in South Africa
Socio-economic assessment of reduction in inshore hake TAC
Socio-economic assessment of a 60% reduction in Viking fishing group’s allocation in the inshore demersal trawl fishery.
Current & biota assessment to inform recommendations for dredge water disposal
Assessment of currents and invertebrate and fish fauna in the Berg Estuary and recommendations for disposal of dredge water.
EIA: Wet Overburden Mining System, Oranjemund
Environmental Impact Assessment for the Wet Overburden Mining System in Mining Area 1, Oranjemund, Namibia
Port of Durban sandbank baseline monitoring
Plans to further expand the operational areas of the port, and the need to establish environmental offsets in the form of artificially created sandbank areas prompted the port management authority…
EIA: new ship repair facility development, Port of Cape Town
Environmental Impact Assessment for the development of a new ship repair facility in the Port of Cape Town.
EIA: expansion of an abalone farm, Danger Point
Environmental Impact Assessment for the expansion of an abalone farm at Danger Point, Western Cape.
Namibia's marine & coastal protected area NCEIS identification & ISoER
Identification of a Core National Environmental Indicators Network (NCEIS), preparation of an Integrated State of Environment Baseline Report (ISoER) for Namibia’s Protected Area Network (PAN) &…
Wind energy avifauna monitoring
Pre-construction monitoring of avifauna at two proposed wind energy sites in the Karoo, South Africa.
Mozambique environmental profile
Preparation of a Country Environmental Profile for Mozambique.
Status of Angolan coastal biodiversity
Assessment of the status of biodiversity along the Angola coastline.
EIA: expansion of abalone farm, Kleinzee
Environmental Impact Assessment for expansion of an abalone farm at Kleinzee