By integrating our expert understanding of biodiversity, ecosystems, socio-ecological systems and economics, we address the status, use and strategic management of biodiversity and natural capital, to the benefit of society as a whole.
Assessment of Tristan Rock Lobster exposure to brodifacoum pellet bait
An assessment of the effects of exposure to cereal pellet bait containing the anticoagulant rodenticide on Tristan Rock Lobster Jasus paulensis was conducted as part of the eradication plan of…
Framework to manage discharge of effluent into the marine environment
Development of an assessment framework for management of effluent discharged from land-based sources to the marine environment in South Africa.
Water quality assessment and toxicity testing
Water quality assessment and toxicity testing for a proposed coal transfer facility in Beira, Mozambique.
Development of water quality indices for inland & coastal waters
Development of water quality indices and related reporting tools for inland and coastal waters of the City of Cape Town.
Classification of Breede-Gouritz Water Management Area resources
The Water Resource Classification System classifies water resources according into Management Classes that determine the characteristics of a water resource (all significant rivers, wetlands and…
Environmental flows assessment for the Klein River Estuary
This study was commissioned to determine the Ecological Reserve for the Klein River estuary, which entails following a set of procedures to determine the Present Ecological Status (health state), the…
Ballast water treatment system risk assessment & toxicity
Independent assessor of efficacy of a newly developed ballast water treatment system and evaluation (risk assessment) of the residual toxicity of ballast water treated with the system.
EcoInvest Project
Identification of priorities and opportunities for mobilising private sector investment in the Western Cape’s natural capital.
Global cost of meeting the CBD Aichi Target9
Estimating the global cost of meeting the CBD Aichi Target 9 to control of alien invasive species by 2020.
Environmental Flow Assessment for the Uilkraals Estuary
This study was commissioned to determine the Ecological Reserve for the Uilkraals estuary, which entails following a set of procedures to determine the Present Ecological Status (health state), the…
Environmental Flow Assessment for the Berg Estuary
Anchor was appointed to undertake a comprehensive reserve determination (flow assessment) study to assess the present ecological status of the Berg estuary, and the potential impacts of various…
Ecosystem-based adaptation in Namaqualand
An evaluation of wetland restoration as an ecosystem-based adaptation option for climate change in Namaqualand.