By integrating our expert understanding of biodiversity, ecosystems, socio-ecological systems and economics, we address the status, use and strategic management of biodiversity and natural capital, to the benefit of society as a whole.
“State of the Bay” 2024 monitoring programme for Saldanha Bay & Langebaan Lagoon
Monitoring of important ecosystem indicators was initiated by the Saldanha Bay Water Quality Forum Trust in 1999 and cumulated in the “State of the Bay” (SOB) report series, that began in 2006, and…
An assessment of the inshore trawl fishery of South Africa
South Africa’s 22 recognised commercial fisheries are largely managed independently, despite the resources they exploit, and the space they operate in, supporting multiple sectors. Increasingly, an…
Uganda's physical and monetary Ecosystem Accounts
Anchor compiled Uganda's Physical and Monetary Ecosystem Services and Asset Accounts 1990-2015 on behalf of Uganda Bureau of Statistics. These summarise the physical and monetary value flows of…
Debmarine Namibia Benthic Environmental Monitoring Programme
Debmarine Namibia conduct the world’s largest offshore diamond mining operation. Understanding the impacts of mining-related disturbance to the seabed is key in meeting the company's environmental…
Valuing the transboundary wildlife landscapes of East Africa
Anchor was appointed to identify, delineate and value the wildlife and ecosystem services of four large-scale transboundary wildlife areas straddling six countries in East Africa. We delineated four…
Towards a system of Payments-for-Ecosystem Services in Namibia’s Communal Conservancies
In this study, we used a combination of behavioural, experimental and environmental economics research methods, namely framed field experiments and contingent valuation, as well as social survey…
Promoting green urban development in Africa
Anchor carried out research on ways to enhance the relationship between urbanization, environmental assets and ecosystem services in three African cities. In Dar-es-Salaam, we modelled the impact of…
Elephant Marshes: biodiversity & ecosystem services
As part of a study on promoting climate resilient livelihoods and sustainable natural resource management in the Elephant Marsh, Malawi, Anchor undertook a comprehensive field study of the…
Lake St Lucia estuary rehabilitation
Anchor was appointed to undertake a comprehensive research project to select and implement the most feasible option for improving the ecological functioning of the St Lucia estuarine system, which is…
Estuarine component of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the MM Port FZE Project, Nigeria
Anchor was contracted by ERM to assist with the estuarine aspects of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) being undertaken for the development of a port terminal at Onne Port Complex…
Marine and coastal ecosystem accounts for Kenya
Anchor was commissioned by the University of Nairobi to undertake the mapping of coastal and marine ecosystems extent and condition and physical ecosystem services flows as at 2021, as part of a…
Assessment of Port Owen dredging activities on the Berg Estuary fish and macrobenthos communities: 2023 monitoring report
Anchor were appointed by Port Owen Marina Authority (POMA) to undertake an assessment of POMA marine dredging activities on the Berg estuary fish and macrobenthos communities.
POMA was granted…